The history and uses of garland

The history of garland is quite old, both in the East and in the West, and people first wore these garland woven from plants on their heads.
In ancient Greece, people would use plant materials such as olive branches and leaves to weave garland for the champions at the ancient Olympic Games to wear. In ancient China, people would also use garlands as decoration to carry, the "Golden History - Public Opinion and Clothing" has: "Women's jewelry, not allowed to use beads, cui cui inlay and other things, cui hair except for decorative garlands crown, the rest are prohibited. The record, it can be seen that at that time the flower ring is the daily jewelry of women in Jin.

Of course, people use garlands not only "head wear" this form, the ancient Greek Olympic champions get garlands, will also be these garlands as a glorious "medal", hanging on the wall as a souvenir, which let the garlands from people's heads moved to the wall, and become a decorative hanging on the wall. It became a decorative item hanging on the wall.

To the modern society, wearing a flower garland is usually not used in our daily life, but in the wedding, it is still an important element to increase the charm of the bride, many weddings will also let the bridesmaids or companion children with a garland.

Made from branches of evergreen conifers, Christmas garlands are also embellished with some fruits, such as holly and pine cones, which bring greenery and life in the cold season.
In addition to Christmas, Easter in April, Westerners will also hang garlands decorated with colored eggs. Later, as the influence of religion faded, the habit of hanging garland in Europe and the United States no longer has strong holiday restrictions, and there are different garland hung in different seasons to decorate the situation.

Nowadays, it is common in Western culture to hang garland at home because in Western religious culture, the shape of the wreath resembles the crown of thorns of the crucifixion of Jesus, so at Christmas, people hang garland on the front door to commemorate the occasion.

Post time: Nov-01-2022